On my way from Providence, RI (spending the day at HackAtBrown), I logged my data (or, at least as much of it as I could).
- Location on Public Transit: Tapped MIT ID to use T
- Purchase Information: Used a credit card to buy train tickets.
- Geo-location apps also know my GPS location
- Check In: Signed into the hackathon in the early afternoon
- Internet Traffic: Using my computer at the computer throughout the day tracked by Brown and their ISP
- Progress by teammates: My teammates tracked the progress of my portion of the project
- Music over time: I listened to Apple Music throughout the day while working
Throughout the Day
- Heart rate over time: Through the Apple Watch, that I wear on a daily basis
- Step Count over time: Also through the Apple Watch
- Motion Tracking: The Apple Watch also does motion tracking, and records how often I stand up throughout the day
- Emails & Text Messages over time: My communication logs with people not near me through email and texting on my phone and computer.
- Various Internet services: Youtube, Netflix, and Twitter track my usage, which occur throughout the day